FS2002 Hawker Siddeley Trident 2E
British Airways (G-AVFG) 'Landor' scheme

This is a repaint of a Trident 2E (G-AVFG) in British Airways 'landor' scheme.
This is NOT a fictional livery - as this aircraft is only one of two tridents ever to be painted in the landor scheme - the other is a trident 3.

These planes never flew in service like this, but it was still a BA plane & was used for ground crew training.

Please read TRI2_ref.txt to learn how to fly the trident properly.

For a trident panel please go to - http://www.Maltbyd.fsnet.co.uk


This aircraft model and flight dynamics are made by David Maltby - www.Maltbyd.fsnet.co.uk
Model/Flight Dynamics Designers : David Maltby (David@Maltbyd.fsnet.co.uk)
Painted by : Dickson Chan (dicksonchan@iprimus.com.au)

Created with Abacus FS Design Studio & Aircraft Animator
Extra SDL macros done with 'SDLEdit' by Mike Crosthwaite
Other models of British historic jets (such as Comet, VC10 and BAC111) can be downloaded from: http://www.Maltbyd.fsnet.co.uk


Unzip & copy the extracted Trident folder into your 'FS2002\Aircraft' folder.
Look for the aircraft in the Fs2002 aircraft menu
- Hawker Siddeley
----> Trident 2
------> British Airways (Landor)


If you have any comments or questions about the repaint please email me. Questions about flight dynamics and model please forward to David Maltby's Freeware Forum.

September 2002
- D i c k s o n C h a n -